Friday, January 29, 2016

Missing my chance with Paul Norris, co-creator of Aquaman

In 2006, I wrote to Paul Norris, the artist who (with Mort Weisinger) co-created one of my favorite superheroes, Aquaman. 

The Brave and the Bold #32, 
art by Jesús Saíz

How favorite? This favorite. (Warning: Underoos.)

Paul was 92.

I asked for an interview.

He kindly granted it:

But then I squandered it.

I didn’t take him up on it. Part of the reason was I didn’t yet have this blog, so didn’t have an easy outlet to share the interview. Part of it was just general lapse of judgment.

In 2007, Paul passed away.

A belated thank you, Paul. I know others interviewed you but I regret missing my chance. If there’s an Atlantis, I’m sure you’re there now, relaxing as you watch a confetti of fish waggle by.

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